Welcome to Carolina Bear Lodge! Where you can join a great group of guys and have a grrreat time! Carolina Bear Lodge was formed in 1994 by a group of guys who didn't fit into the typical gay roster. The Carolina Bear Lodge had its first meeting in Charlotte, NC. Membership is open to anyone who is hirsute/bearish or who simply admires them. There are no physical characteristics required for any type of membership. CBL was formed to give members of the bear community a social outlet to call their own and a means to meet like minded men in an accepting environment.
Something For EveryoneIt seems everywhere nowadays is running bear nights, and that’s awesome! But here is a list of places where a bear could go and feel at home every hour of the week, not just on a special night held once a month. Read more | Not Just From The CarolinasCBL is a group of awesome gay men of the Carolinas (but actually from all over!!) who have a mutual interest in bear-like men. We subscribe to what it is to be a bear. We have pride in being gay and understand the tenuousness of life and the desire to live it fully and richly. We contribute positively to the bear brotherhood and the greater community-at-large. The purposes of the Club are to provide social connection and activities for our members and friends, and to serve the community through contribution, support, and education. Join today! |
Top story!MY partner and I would like to thank all that were involved in this year’s Bear Hunt. The committee did an outstanding job and we definitely look forward to another awesome bear hunt next year!! Read more |
Be creativeEvents are the building blocks of the Carolina Bear Lodge. Each event consists of one or more ideas brought to life from a members mind. When you feel an idea coming on, feel free to drop us a message and let us know. Your event idea might be our next signature event!! Not every idea will be chosen, there are several variables that go into producing them. But you never know!! | Upcoming events
| MembershipThough CBL is committed to keeping most of our events open to the entire Bear Community, we encourage those who might want to join our ranks by becoming members. Membership information is online and available at any CBL event. Any current member can help you get started. Join us now!
![]() Clinton W. Mr. Bear Hunt 2024 I’m Mr. Bear Hunt 2024 Looking forward to meeting other southern bears!!" | ![]() Thomas Smith James Martin Lifetime Membership & Billy Wolfe Leadership Award Given to a club member who contributed greatly to the Carolina Bear Lodge and to the Bear community of the Carolinas over an extended period of time. | ![]() Robert Lee
Billy Wolfe Leadership Award Given to a club member who has demonstrated outstanding leadership for the Carolina Bear Lodge during the current year. |
The new breed of social networks use your mobile device. Those will not allow x-rated profile photos so they can be accepted in the App store. The key benefit of such apps and networks is the local aspect. Examples for such mobile Apps for Bears, masculine butch men are: ScruffApp.com GrowlrApp.com u4Bear.com |
Believe it or not, males are biologically wired, from birth, to be more emotionally reactive and expressive than females. For example, baby boys become distressed more easily, and cry sooner and more often than baby girls. Boys also learn, without even having to think about it, that they should be ashamed of such feelings, even that they should hate themselves for having them. The abilities to be aware of vulnerable emotions, express them to others, and accept them as part of being alive, are human capacities. Every boy and girl is born with the potential to develop them. |